Jeselle Page acted spontaneously doing what came natural to her on a humid Sunday afternoon when bullets blazed dangerously near the park where she found herself with her beloved nephew, R.J. Gomez for whom she had been babysitting. Having already taken a fatal bullet to the chest, Page sprung into action snatching up the child while running and shielding him with her own wounded body. A Harlem native, Page had just relocated to Brooklyn where her life ended as a result of a senseless gunfight between two men on Morris Street in the Bushwick section of Brooklyn.
A Harlem native, page had just relocated to Brooklyn where her life ended as a result of a senseless gunfight. . .Clearly, Page thought nothing about her recent lottery winnings or new apartment that she’d purchased with a portion of the lucky loot. Her nephew’s safety superseded everything; preserving R.J’s precious life was Page’s primary purpose the day she lost her own life in an effort to save the boy who, thanks to his brave and selfless aunt, will have an opportunity to make sure that his aunt’s sacrifice was not in vane by becoming a young man who, like his hero, lives and leads by example.
This award is for recognition and acknowledgement for what matters most in this world
For Her courage and respect for human life
Jeselle Page: A Free Thinker
This is a great way to inform people about sensitive issues that affect our community.
sincerethomas49@yahoo.com wants to join this site
willie legette said its a wonderful structure how my black sister puts her effort in uses it to good ability
carolyn nurse you should be elected to write stories and open community centers for the youth
i just love this bog its touc hing and the things you say just makes me cry inside and out
iam touch by your blog nurse you are a beautiful person inmside and out sis
willlie legette has been hittin you up nurse love this blog and pics u added on and loved your story iam touched
I had no idea how enthralling these stories truly were!
I cannot wait to see who the Free Thinker for August will be---L.M.
We need more articals such as this. . i am simply enthralled by the articles in the FTP.
Black Lives Matter!!!!!!! 2021
Even today this article is relevant. You need to highlight others via this platform
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