Exploring Social Issues Through Literature


I have come to believe over and over again that what is most
me must be spoken, made verbal & shared, even at
the risk of
having it
bruised or misunderstood. That the speaking
profits me. . . . My
silences had
not protected me. Your silence will
not protect you.
What are the words you do not yet
have? What do you need to say?
I am myself — a Black woman warrior poet doing my
work — come
to ask you, are you doing yours?

------- Audre Lorde




CALL US NOW: 718-682-4142

Monday, July 27

July's Free Thinkers' Recognition Award

THE F.T.P HONOREE: JESELLE PAGE Jeselle Page acted spontaneously doing what came natural to her on a humid Sunday afternoon when bullets blazed dangerously near the park where she found herself with her beloved nephew, R.J. Gomez for whom she had been babysitting. Having already taken a fatal bullet to the chest, Page sprung into action snatching up the child while running and shielding him with her own wounded body. A Harlem native, Page had just relocated to Brooklyn where her life ended as a result of a senseless gunfight between two men on Morris Street in the Bushwick section of Brooklyn. A Harlem native, page had just relocated to Brooklyn where her life ended as a result of a senseless gunfight. . .Clearly, Page thought nothing about her recent lottery winnings or new apartment that she’d purchased with a portion of the lucky loot. Her nephew’s safety superseded everything; preserving R.J’s precious life was Page’s primary purpose the day she lost her own life in an effort to save the boy who, thanks to his brave and selfless aunt, will have an opportunity to make sure that his aunt’s sacrifice was not in vane by becoming a young man who, like his hero, lives and leads by example. This award is for recognition and acknowledgement for what matters most in this world For Her courage and respect for human life IN of MEMORY Jeselle Page: A Free Thinker

Tuesday, July 7

Prison Violence isn't Always Perpetuated by Prisoners: Speculating Motive for Recent Shooting of a NYS Corrections Officer in Brooklyn

Few Americans are aware of what goes on inside of our nation’s prison microstructures. In New York State prison is big business and it generates industry in over fifty small towns upstate; any one of these particular towns would be financially crippled suffering tremendous loss should the correctional institution supporting it close its gates. This reality evidences other incongruous realities: the crime rate in New York City is secretly coveted by the prison industry, a colossal monster, a sort of modern-day plantation housing thousands of minorities, lower and middle class New Yorkers. The prison industrial complex of America can be defined then, as a paradoxical and lucrative entity. According to DOCS’ home web page, The New York State Department of Corrections is, “. . . responsible for the confinement and habilitation of approximately 60,000 inmates held at 68 state correctional facilities plus the 916-bed Willard Drug Treatment Campus and the 100-bed Edgecombe Residential Treatment Facility.” When an entity as astronomical as the ubiquitous NYSDOCS’ facilities exists without public knowledge of what its administration refers to as, its standard operating procedures, that entity can be likened to a secret society. The inner-operational structure’s departmental directives govern DOCS’ staff in such a way that, for the C.O. a dichotomous lifestyle becomes necessary for both survival and sanity. Within his/her community, the C.O is a law-abiding citizen but “at work” on “the inside,” the C.O. is a warmonger, a brutal and violent individual who, many times, creates more violence than he or she prevents. Within the prisons’ microstructural subculture (also known as the inside), there are specific rules of etiquette, roles and institutions such as a government hierarchy replete with supporters, communities with extended families, and politicians, religious groups and savvy manipulators who, as prisoners run the system themselves. There are cultural norms imperative to the organization of the everyday interactions within “the walls” and, if one finds oneself a new resident on the inside, it would be extremely wise to quickly familiarize oneself with the social norms of the penal system. Loyalty is rare and sparse, while violence is accepted and thus, expected. One’s associations is scrutinized closely and if found unacceptable by elitist, judged harshly. For instance, hanging around known informants also called, “snitches” could make one’s stay on the inside very uncomfortable. Hanging around a corrections’ staff member too frequently could be viewed as subversive and therefore dangerous for the inmate involved. Male prisons are virtual warzones and, the enemy is often the correctional officer. Already labeled deviant and ostracized by society, the New York State inmate is a subaltern whose voice is ignored, devalued. Any claim made by the convict must be investigated by the administrative staff prior to taking any supportive action on behalf of the complaining inmate because having committed whatever “instant offense” severe enough to land the inmate in prison, leaves the prisoner shrouded in suspicion; the convict then, is viewed by the prison guard as the adversary and the aversion is greatly reciprocated by the inmate who harbors mistrust and hatred for the corrections officer---the jailer. All too frequently, violence ensues between these inside role players often ending in serious injury or death. The average citizen must understand that order must be kept inside the prison and thus, violence is “a necessary evil” employed by staff to maintain the safety and security of the facility: “Care, Custody and Control”, that is the motto of a NYS DOCS employee. However, the obsessively deviant behavior, criminally violent acts, conspiracy, stealing, murders, lies and dishonesty are not actions solely confined to the inmate. All too often, the prison guard’s blatant misuse of power formally categorized as staff misconduct is carried out, covered up and, defined casually as “justifiable use of force” or “Unusual Incidents”. In 2005 there were 4,885 Unusual Incidents in New York State prisons. Former Inmate, Larry Monroe remembers: When I was up-north serving’ a two and a half to four, the cops used to roll on us whenever they felt like it. They would pop your door when you sleeping’ surround you and beat you bloody, man. . . Nobody was safe from them bastards. We used to open they asses up like tuna fish cans during them rumbles that they would start; but it was always too many ah them to beat. It is even worse for the “lifers” and the CMC status (centrally monitored case) inmates who must remain in maxi mum security. often, victims of corrections’ staff do not rumble like Larry and his buddies did; they are simply beaten and many fear for their lives. Understanding the ways in which C.O.s and Convicts interact within the system prepares one for articles like the one below, found online June 29, 2009: Authorities say a New York state prison guard was shot dead on a Brooklyn street after getting in an argument with another man. Police say the correction officer was shot several times early Sunday after leaving a barbershop to make a call and getting into the argument. Police did not have a motive for the attack but did not suspect it was robbery. The State Department of Correctional Services identified the officer as 30-year-old Jeremie Kane. Kane was hired in 2005 and worked in Sing Sing prison before going on leave on workers compensation in May. It was not clear if Kane was armed when he was shot. He was pronounced dead at Kings County Hospital Center. No arrests had been made. Sing Sing Correctional Facility is a maximum security prison in Ossining, New York, approximately 30 miles north of New York City. Chances are very great that C.O. Kane knew his assailant from the inside. It is not uncommon for correctional employees in New York State prisons to reside within the five boroughs were an astronomical percentage of the prison population are arrested and eventually convicted. Without a group of colleagues present and possibly, without a firearm, Kane was an easy target for a former adversary from a very secretive, paradoxical and dangerous microstructural subculture obscured and invisible to the public. The dichotomous lifestyle of a C. O.: Active Duty Soldier on the “inside” and Law Abiding Citizen on the outside, is clearly one of difficulty in a host of thought-provoking ways: emotionally, psychologically, physically and spiritually. My heart goes out to both the family of Corrections’ Officer, J. Kane and to all inmates’ families who will never know the true cause of death of their love ones lost within an obscured world in which the family will never completely be made privy to.

Monday, July 6


That’s how she left it! Drawers on the flo, ring ‘round the tub and her grandma’s old ratty wig hangin’ atop the toothbrushes---jus didn’t even try an straighten out her mess. That was how Maddie Klugman was, you know? Called herself a free spirit but the towns’ folk called her a harlot. Imagine! Maddie walking ‘round town, head high nuf tah commune with various forms of fowl. Her struttin’ and gyratin’ ‘round like she was a lady of status and virtue or somethin’. Made me sad tah watch it. So I did what nobody else in Stoddardville woulda even thought ‘bout doin’. Yep! I started invitin’ Maddie ovah fo weekend soirees---well, it was only us two and it wernt no real party. ‘Twas more like Bible study which, tah mah surprise, Maddie came tah enjoy tremendously. And so that’s the way it began for Maddie and me. Nobody was mo surprised than me though, when Maddie started ‘ttendin’ services sportin’ her grandma, Mavis’ vintage oriental fan and the most delightful sundresses donated by yourstruly tah the Stoddardville Salvation Army. Maddie began quotin’ verses, shoutin’ in church and sportin’ the most delicate hankies embroidered by Godknows who but impeccably done see? Not only did she impress me but others was duly amazed as well. And so, every weekend I continued with mah social etiquette and Bible study classes with ”Maddie-dear” which is what I had come to call her. Nobody was mo surprised than me when Sweet Willie Saunter slid into town and swept Maddie-dear off her feet. I hear tell that he drove into Kalvanston so fast to get tah the Justice that every sto on the main drag hadda wash that there dust from they windos. When Sweet Willie and Maddie returned to Stoddardville the summer following they dramatic exit and they record-breakin’ wedding, Maddie spotted me soon’s I departed Flora’s Fish-N-Chip sto. She sprinted ‘cross the dirt road like a world class Olympic runner would. Maddie locked her arms ‘round my neck and whispered, “Chile, ahm Pregnant!” she sad emphatically. Can’t talk no mo right now, y’all; it’s Monday and I shops on Mondays. I hear tell that Pete’s gotta pigs-feet special, Petunia Watson owes me a few coins from yesterdity when the collection plate come ‘round and I oliged her and dropped a few coins right in that plate on her and my behalf; plus, Maddie comes in tah town from nearby Freedoms Port where she relocated with Sweet Willie. Gots two bad ass lil boys too! Nevertheless folks, and I aim tah confront her today on why she stopped ‘ttedin’ church how she done—nevah you mind them drawers on mah bathroom flo and that ring ‘round mah tub!

Sunday, July 5

Who is Being Served?

I am a Writer by craft and so, I am often concerned with social issues that affect the American proletariat. Heavily influenced by a charismatic and thought-provoking undergraduate College Professor, Barbara Martinsons, I have adopted the habit of asking myself 2 pertinent questions whenever I read, watch or listen to anything: "Who?" I ask myself, “Is being served by this," article, production, or broadcast. And, "what is the prevailing discourse being asserted, challenged or threatened here? When I employ this method I find that I more alert, more inquisitive and focused. This method dominated my thoughts this morning as I read The New York Times article informing New Yorkers that, in a 5-4 decision The United States Supreme Court ruled in favor of Alaska's decision to deny inmates access to DNA during post conviction (appellate) proceedings. Who is being served? Certainly not the average, everyday citizen who could find themselves in need of such an opportunity in order to be exonerated. “What” I wondered, “could the Supreme Court been thinking?” by upholding this seemingly un-American decision.The Majority asserted, in an opinion by Justice John G Roberto Jr. that, "The availability of new DNA testing . . . cannot mean that every criminal conviction or even every conviction involving biological evidence is suddenly in doubt." Why no, of course it isn't Justice Roberto. So what is it that Majority fears here? Clearly driven by this fear, He and the other 4 Justices who came to this decision which seems to be in direct opposition to the United States Constitution which should be the prevailing discourse in every instance concerning freedom in America, obviously do not serve The People, The Proletariat. By denying Alaska’s inmates access to evidence necessary to prove their own innocence then, the Supreme Court of The United States of America serve only age-old premises that upheld racist and barbaric ideologies which remain a stain on the fabric of our nation's image and dignity today.

Is Michael Jackson Worth More Dead Than Alive?

When I learned that, the incomparable Musical genius Michael Jackson had succumbed to cardiac arrest at age fifty, I booted up my computer to read about what others had to say about the sad occurrence. Of course I prepared myself for the ignorant, tabloid-type stuff that I knew I would come across. After all, I grew up a witness to the cultural American power structure’s constant, crafty and, blatant abuse of the media: “Jacko’s Diabolical Hoax: He’s Alive!” “Jacko Hired Cryostasis Expert, freezes body & CHEATS Death!” Another disgusting headline may have blazed, “WACKO JACKO DEFIED RACE AND GENDER NOW DEATH”. I would have been surprised had there only been tasteful, informative and respectful articles detailing Michael’s death. I mean let’s face it; the media was an endless supply of cruel, insensitive and trashy publishing during Michael’s life. And as undaunted as I was by the smut and stupidity of some stuff that I actually did find, there was one article that did create a rise within me and, therefore, inspired this blog. The article’s headline trumpeted: “Is Michael Jackson Worth More Dead than Alive?” Almost everyone had theories and opinions about The Bill Clinton/Monica Lewinsky Scandal or the O.J. Simpson verdict and, so surely; almost every American has an opinion about Michael Jackson, the way he lived and especially the way he died. But the primary purpose of this article is to inquire: who among us could determine the worth of such a whimsical, modern-day Peter Pan who, while living among us suffered a self- defined oppression and subjugation during his youth so devastating that, the psychological ramifications only served to increase his eccentricity magnifying further his mysterious persona inciting intrigue and provoking speculation in the minds of his fans and the media alike. How far will the media go and to what lengths will they go to create strange stories designed to fuel and ignite further the public’s eagerness to understand the enigma that is Michael? As long as there is an audience for distortion, obscurity, baseless and slanderous allegations sensationalized on air and on paper, the ignorance will continue unabated. Consequently, I put forth this challenge here and now: Let that individual come forth who can define for the world the exact worth of the man/boy who, through his enchanting and powerful music touched vulnerable places inside the hearts and minds of his fans evoking deep emotions, inspiring hope in people the world over. Calculate if you can the worth of this “pinnacle” of the entertainment world who said in song that he was, “Starting with the man in the Mirror . . . asking him to change his ways”. How much for the brilliant star who, even as a child taught us that love was, “easy as 123” and reminded us that, “We are the ones who make a brighter day so let’s start giving”. Those who knew nothing of God’s love; those who would never, for whatever reasons step into a church, synagogue or mosque learned through the ministry of Michael’s lyrics that, “We are all a part of God’s great big family, and the truth you know [is] love is all we need!” And so, as one of Michael’s most loyal fans, and as an American dedicated to free thought through creative expression, and as a deeply flawed and vulnerable human being who, both confronts and explores my own shortcomings with no desire to disparage the character or reputation of another in order to assuage any feelings of inadequacy that may arise within as a result of my very human defects; I choose to believe Michael’s words. I choose to embrace his creativity, uniqueness and his sensitivity. I choose to respect that he was as human and, therefore, as deeply broken as I am. I recognize that my skeletons and other sources of shame and guilt can be cloaked or disclosed at my command while Michael, as a celebrity, never had that luxury. As I allow myself the luxury of loving Michael without judging him, without analyzing him, I feel the freedom that can only be derived from liberation. I believe my fellow proletariats that it is only when we as a nation begin to grasp the concept that there is nothing to fear in people, places or things foreign and mysterious to us, that we will have reached the true greatness that Americans boast about through song and literature today. A great entity does not oppress, stomp-out or subjugate that which it fears—it welcomes, explores, and embraces it. This approach can only serve to expand an already powerful center with knowledge, courage and pride. These admirable attributes, like the incomparable, late, Michael Jackson, phenomenal entertainer and staunch humanitarian are priceless and cannot be assessed by such means used by Fortune 500 and other meaningless labeling and assessment-genres.

About the Creator

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I am a forty-six year-old African-American writer passionate about exploring social issues through literature. It is through literature that I have experienced the pains, learned of the traditions and come to respect the rituals of many cultures different from my own. These valued moments of elucidation have increased my desire to be in service of those who may benefit from my efforts. This, my friends, is a step closer to bliss
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