Exploring Social Issues Through Literature


I have come to believe over and over again that what is most
me must be spoken, made verbal & shared, even at
the risk of
having it
bruised or misunderstood. That the speaking
profits me. . . . My
silences had
not protected me. Your silence will
not protect you.
What are the words you do not yet
have? What do you need to say?
I am myself — a Black woman warrior poet doing my
work — come
to ask you, are you doing yours?

------- Audre Lorde




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Friday, August 14

Teen Caught on Camera & Connected to Student's Beating


Hey Thugs:

The City Has Cameras Every Place Anybody Can Think Of. Just Ask Sixteen-Year-Old Eugene Adams Who Was Apprehended Because Either His Likeness Or He Himself Was Caught On Film Trying to Use A Stolen Credit Card
On Wednesday Brooklyn police arrested and charged a young African-American teenager for his alleged involvement in the beating of a young male student at Pratt Institute who is currently in a coma as a result of the injuries he sustained during the horrific attack. Sadly, 16-year-old Eugene Adams faces a host of charges: assault, robbery & criminal possession of property he allegedly stole from young Eddie Sanchez during the senseless beating. According to both police and reports from local news groups, several boys jumped Sanchez Monday night as he walked home from an unspecified location where he'd apparently been having dinner. The attackers beat Sanchez savagely and stole his wallet from his unconscious body. Sanchez, who remains in a coma is obviously unable to give police any leads but police confirmed that they are seeking at least two (2) more suspects in connection with this incident. The Proletariat Sends Prayer & Metta to You & Your Family Eddie!

What do You Think About The Proletariat?

Recently, I received an email from a reader that saddened me immensely. The reader stated that The Proletariat didn't publish anything that interested her and that the font was too small and the stories too long. Although I was happy to receive this reader's opinion, I became upset when I learned that she hadn't published her feelings on the site and replied back to her informing her that I wished that she had. It is so important to use our voices so that it may be shared with everyone who may benefit from it. Perhaps her commentary may have helped not only The Proletariat but other bloggers as well. So, I welcome you all to share all that you have to say on the blog itself because the blog is the forum in which we all can be heard. Thank You Reader and I hope that you will return to criticize us some more--we welcome YOU! YOU TOO ARE THE PROLETARIAT

Friday, August 7

Vitamin D Deficiency Study

Pregnant Dark-Skinned Women in the Netherlands
Exhibit a Predominance of Vitamin D Deficiency
As New Yorkers express both anger and satisfaction about the media-defined, financial serial killer and social pariah, Bernard Madoff’s multibillion dollar Ponzi scheme; there are a disproportionate number of women and children at risk and suffering in northern countries such as Hague, a metropolis located in the Netherlands. Being poor and uneducated has always been a detriment to the health of the disenfranchised, many of whom, reside in ghettos with a plethora of health and safety hazards.
Staggering numbers of dark-skinned women living in the Netherlands showed a predominance of vitamin D deficiency which is common in persons living in northern countries. Consequently, this particular vitamin deficiency will almost certainly have devastating health affects on both the unborn child and the mother carrying it.
Scientists were able to determine the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency in pregnant women of a host of ethnic backgrounds in The Hague.

Wednesday, August 5


What most of us know about the swastika is that, historically it represented National Socialism also referred to as Nazism and, of course the Nazi Party: A German political organization which took form around the year 1920 but, led by the infamous Adolf Hitler rose to prominence during the 1940s during which the party, formerly referred to as the National Socialist German Workers’ Party(Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei) transmogrified into the Nazi militia: a political, paramilitary entity replete with a police force known as the Gestapo. BET YA DIDN’T KNOW that the swastika was not always a symbol of hatred and the barbaric cruelty perpetuated by the Third Reich driven by an unrealistic desire for a pure German race Swastika: Swas-ti-kas [swòstkə] is a noun and is defined as (1) an even cross, the arms of which are bent at right angles. Since all four bars point in the same direction . . . with the four ends of the arms bent at right angles in a clockwise or counterclockwise position; also defined as (2) an ancient religious symbol formed by a Greek cross. The symbol is Greek by origin. “In 1921 Hitler was elected ‘unlimited chairman’ of the party, which in the same year adopted as its official emblem a flag consisting of a red field in the center of which was a large white circle containing a black swastika”(Encarta). According to wiki.answers.com: The swastika is a well-known good-luck symbol from India. . . . In Sanskrit, swastika means "conducive to well-being". In the Buddhist tradition, the swastika symbolizes the feet or footprints of the Buddha and is often used to mark the beginning of texts. Modern Tibetan Buddhism uses it as a clothing decoration. With the spread of Buddhism, it has passed into the iconography of China and Japan where it has been used to denote plurality, abundance, prosperity and long life. And Check This Out: In India, Hindus use the swastika to mark the opening pages of account books, thresholds, doors, and offerings. The right-hand swastikas are a solar symbol and the left-hand version represents Kali and magic. Among the Jains (A religion of India) it is the emblem of their seventh Tirthankara (A traditional holy man). In ancient Mesopotamia it was a favorite symbol on coinage In Scandinavia it was the symbol for the god Thor's hammer. In early Christian art it was called the gammadion cross because it was made of four gammas. Swastikas have also been found in Mayan and Navajo art. Send Us Some Stuff & Bet Us That We Didn't Know

Tuesday, August 4

CRACKS in the HOUSE: How a Drug Galvanized Social Change in America

America's urban centers have over the last 3 decades experienced an astronomical increase in its family infrastructure; the "extended family" enjoys far more social tolerance than other nontraditional families such as the gay, lesbian, bi-sexual and transgender (GLBT) units boasting 2 mommies or 2 daddies. Perhaps the acceptance of this avant-garde cultural norm can be attributed to the fact that, in American cities most of these (formerly unconventional) unions developed out of basic survival. The Crack epidemic crept onto the street scenes of cities like Chicago, Washington and New York almost simultaneously. Veteran drug addicts were well aware of the less popular freebase method of smoking purified forms of cocaine used during the late 1970s expanding in popularity just in time for the 1980s' disco era when it became wildly popular. However, the vets were ignorant to the extremely addictive and powerful pull of crack cocaine! At its inception the 1980s experienced a rash of crack-related crimes which spread throughout the nations' cities: both low-class street walkers and high-priced prostitutes transformed, into what is now referred to as,

About the Creator

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I am a forty-six year-old African-American writer passionate about exploring social issues through literature. It is through literature that I have experienced the pains, learned of the traditions and come to respect the rituals of many cultures different from my own. These valued moments of elucidation have increased my desire to be in service of those who may benefit from my efforts. This, my friends, is a step closer to bliss
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